Ultrasound heterogeneity as an indicator of testicular salvage in testicular torsion: A single center experience |
Omran Hasan,Mohamed Mubarak( ),S. Mohamed Jawad Alwedaie,Hasan Baksh,Husain Alaradi,Ameer Alarayedh,Ali Alaradi,Abdolsalam Ahmadi,Akbar Jalal
Department of Surgery, Salmaniya Medical Complex Ringgold Standard Institution, Manama, Bahrain |
Abstract Objective: Testicular torsion is a common urological emergency, mainly in the younger population. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy and value of testicular echogenicity in predicting testicular viability. Methods: Patients who were older than 13 years of age and were discharged with the diagnosis of testicular torsion were reviewed. Data obtained included demographic data, history, physical examination results, ultrasound findings including size, color Doppler flow, and echotexture, torsion degrees, and surgical procedure. In addition, the histopathological findings of patients who underwent orchiectomy were reviewed. Results: A total of 71 cases were diagnosed with testicular torsion between January 2016 to December 2018. The mean age at presentation was 20.4±7.0 years. The average time from the onset of pain until the presentation was 36.0±55.1 h. Out of the 71 ultrasound scans reviewed, 45.1% showed homogenous echotexture and 54.9% showed heterogeneous echotexture of the affected testis. On scrotal exploration, the mean degree of torsion was 475.7±301.8 degrees; 66.2% of the patients had a viable testis; and bilateral orchidopexy was done. The remaining 33.8% had a non-viable testis. Homogenous echotexture was after an average of 13.5 h of scrotal pain, while heterogeneous echotexture presented after 53.7 h of scrotal pain. There was a statistically significant difference between the time of presentation and echotexture changes on scrotal ultrasonography (p<0.01). The relationship between echotexture changes and testicular viability was statistically significant as well (p<0.001). Conclusion: A long time since the onset of pain coupled with heterogeneous changes in testicular parenchyma is a good indicator of non-viability. However, we still advocate for surgical exploration as the gold standard in diagnosis and management.
Received: 06 April 2020
Available online: 20 January 2022
Corresponding Authors:
Mohamed Mubarak
E-mail: mohdkej@yahoo.com
Characteristic | Value | Age, year | Mean±SD | 20.4±7.0 | Range | 13-46 | Location on ultrasound scan, n (%) | Right | 36 (50.7) | Left | 28 (39.4) | Not identified | 7 (9.9) | Time from pain onset, h | Mean ± SD | 36.0±55.1 | Median | 10 | Range | 1-336 | Testicular size on ultrasound, cm3 | Normal testis | 3.68±0.98 | Torsed testis | 3.96±0.98 | CDU findings, n (%) | Normal flow | 9 (12.7) | Abnormal flow | 54 (76.1) | No report | 8 (11.3) | Echotexture changes, n (%) | Homogenous | 32 (45.1) | Heterogeneous | 39 (54.9) | Degree of rotation, degree | Viable | 405.0±273.1 | Non-viable | 652.5±314.5 | Testicular viability, n (%) | Viable | 47 (66.2) | Non-viable | 24 (33.8) | Histopathology, n (%) | Infarction/necrosis | 23 (95.8) | Malignancy | 1 (4.2) |
Demographic data and patient characteristics.
Testes with homogenous echotexture. Figures A-C were viable on exploration; Figure D was non-viable and orchiectomy was done.
Testes with heterogeneous echotexture. All four were non-viable on scrotal exploration.
Label | Non-viable (orchiectomy), n | Viable (bilateral orchidopexy), n | Total, n | Heterogeneous echotexture (positive test) | 23 | 16 | 39 | Homogenous echotexture (negative test) | 1 | 31 | 32 | Total | 24 | 47 | 71 |
Comparison of the surgical outcomes depending on ultrasonographic echotexture changes.
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