Blood and urine biomarkers in prostate cancer: Are we ready for reflex testing in men with an elevated prostate-specific antigen? |
Edward K. Changa,Adam J. Gadzinskia,Yaw A. Nyamea,b,*( )
a Department of Urology, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA b Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA |
Abstract Objective: There is no consensus on the role of biomarkers in determining the utility of prostate biopsy in men with elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA). There are numerous biomarkers such as prostate health index, 4Kscore, prostate cancer antigen 3, ExoDX, SelectMDx, and Mi-Prostate Score that may be useful in this decision-making process. However, it is unclear whether any of these tests are accurate and cost-effective enough to warrant being a widespread reflex test following an elevated PSA. Our goal was to report on the clinical utility of these blood and urine biomarkers in prostate cancer screening. Methods: We performed a systematic review of studies published between January 2000 and October 2020 to report the available parameters and cost-effectiveness of the aforementioned diagnostic tests. We focus on the negative predictive value, the area under the curve, and the decision curve analysis in comparing reflexive tests due to their relevance in evaluating diagnostic screening tests. Results: Overall, the biomarkers are roughly equivalent in predictive accuracy. Each test has additional clinical utility to the current diagnostic standard of care, but the added benefit is not substantial to justify using the test reflexively after an elevated PSA. Conclusions: Our findings suggest these biomarkers should not be used in binary fashion and should be understood in the context of pre-existing risk predictors, patient's ethnicity, cost of the test, patient life-expectancy, and patient goals. There are more recent diagnostic tools such as multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, polygenic single-nucleotide panels, IsoPSA, and miR Sentinel tests that are promising in the realm of prostate cancer screening and need to be investigated further to be considered a consensus reflexive test in the setting of prostate cancer screening.
Received: 14 January 2021
Available online: 20 October 2021
Corresponding Authors:
Yaw A. Nyame
E-mail: nyamey@uw.edu
Biomarker | Provider | Source biomaterial | Certification | Outcome | Cut-off | NPV for CS PCa | AUC for CS PCa | NCCN | Cost (USD) | PSA | N/A | Blood | FDA | >0 | None | 85% at 4 ng/mL | 0.577-0.767 | -Multiple scenarios | $19 | PHI | Beckman Coulter | Blood | FDA | 0-55+ | NR | 97% at 27 | 0.707-0.790 | -Consider | $499 | 4Kscore | OPKO | Blood | CLIA | 0-100% | >7.5% | N/A | 0.720-0.870 | -Consider | $1185 | PCA3 | Progensa Hologic | Urine | FDA | 0-100+ | >25 | 98%-99% at 21 | 0.706-0.800 | -Neg prior bx | $255 | ExoDx | Exosome Diagnostics | Urine | CLIA | 0-60+ | >15.6 | 89%-98% | 0.700-0.803 | -Consider | $760 | SelectMDx | MDxHealth | Urine | CLIA | 0-100% | -2.8 | 94%-95% | 0.672-0.850 | -Investigational | $500 | MiPS | Michigan Labs | Blood and urine | CLIA | 0-100% | NR | 90% for any PCa | 0.779 | -Investigational | $760 |
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