Augmented anastomotic urethroplasty with buccal mucosa for post penile fracture urethral injury long segment bulbar urethral stricture review |
Shreya Srivastavaa,Alexandra L. Tabakina,Kevin J. Chuaa,Hiren V. Patela,Joshua Sterlinga,Charles F. Polottia,Arnav Srivastavaa,Jeremy C. Sinkinb,Hari S.G.R. Tunuguntlaa,*( )
a Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA b Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA |
Abstract The national incidence of penile fracture in the United States is estimated as 1.02 per 100 000 males [1]. Nine to twenty percent of these injuries result in a concomitant urethral injury [2,3]. Barros et al. [4] reported that 85 out of 888 penile fractures men with penile fractures had concomitant urethral injuries [4]. Among those with both a penile fracture and urethral injury, only two cases of urethral stricture were reported. Furthermore, only three percent of urethral strictures resulted from penile fractures [5]. These data highlight the relatively low incidence of urethral stricture in patients with penile fracture and concomitant urethral injury.
Received: 09 June 2020
Available online: 20 July 2021
Corresponding Authors:
Hari S.G.R. Tunuguntla
E-mail: tunuguha@rwjms.rutgers.edu
The results of retrograde urethrogram. (A) Retrograde urethrogram showing contrast intravasation into the corpora cavernosal; Contrast been entered the bladder in this patient with associated urethral injury. (B) Retrograde urethrogram done 3 months after initial presentation, revealing a long segment of urethral stricture (as shown as 1 and 2); (C) Open perineal roof strip anastomotic urethroplasty with buccal mucosal graft ventral onlay.
The follow-up retrograde urethrogram after urethroplasty. (A) First follow-up retrograde urethrogram showing contrast extravasation at the site of urethral repair; (B) Second follow-up retrograde urethrogram showing no contrast extravasation.
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