Ureteral stents in urolithiasis |
Matthias Beysens,Thomas O. Tailly( )
Department of Urology, University Hospital Ghent, Ghent, Belgium |
Abstract Ever since the ureteral stent design was fitted with a curl on both sides to prevent it from migrating up or down the ureter some 40 years ago, its use has gained tremendous momentum, aiding in the rise and evolution of endourology and has confidently kept its place in modern time urology. Over the past four decades, several designs, coating and biomaterials have been developed, trying to reduce infection, encrustation and other stent related symptoms. As the ideal stent has not yet been discovered, different ways of helping patients with their complaints have been researched. This review will cover these aspects of stent use in urolithiasis.
Received: 01 February 2018
Published: 19 November 2018
Corresponding Authors:
O. Tailly Thomas
E-mail: thomastailly@hotmail.com
Encrustations on stent surface after 2 weeks indwelling time in chronically infected urinary tract system.
Not all forgotten stents encrust over time. (A) Forgotten stent after 1 year in a cystinuric patient. (B) Forgotten stent after 2 years in a paraplegic patient.
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