Locally advanced and high risk prostate cancer: the best indication for initial radical prostatectomy? |
Hendrik van Poppel
Department of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium |
Abstract High risk prostate cancer is a deadly disease that needs aggressive treatment.High risk prostate cancer is often treated with androgen deprivation therapy or combined radiohormonotherapy while there is a place for surgery in cases of operable and resectable locally advanced or high risk disease.This review summarizes the results of the different treatment strategies for locally advanced and high risk prostate cancer.Radical prostatectomy monotherapy or in combination with radiotherapy and/or hormonal treatment are analyzed.They show that radical prostatectomy is an effective treatment modality for these tumors.After surgery, the results of the pathology and the follow-up of serum PSA may indicate the need of additional adjuvant or salvage treatment strategies.
Received: 01 August 2014
Published: 28 October 2014
Corresponding Authors:
Hendrik van Poppel
E-mail: hendrik.vanpoppel@uzleuven.be
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