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Asian Journal of Urology, 2018, 5(4): 205-214    doi: 10.1016/j.ajur.2018.08.007
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Epidemiology of urolithiasis in Asia
Liu Yua,Chen Yuntiana,Liao Banghuaa,Luo Deyia,Wang Kunjiea*(),Li Honga,Zeng Guohuab
a. Department of Urology, Institute of Urology (Laboratory of Reconstructive Urology), West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
b. Department of Urology, Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China
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In Asia, about 1%-19.1% of the population suffer from urolithiasis. However, due to variations in socio-economic status and geographic locations, the prevalence and incidence have changed in different countries or regions over the years. The research for risk factors of urinary tract stones is of predominant importance. In this review, we find the prevalence of urolithiasis is 5%-19.1% in West Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, as well as some developed countries (South Korea and Japan), whereas, it is only 1%-8% in most part of East Asia and North Asia. The recurrence rate ranges from 21% to 53% after 3-5 years. Calcium oxalate (75%-90%) is the most frequent component of calculi, followed by uric acid (5%-20%), calcium phosphate (6%-13%), struvite (2%-15%), apatite (1%) and cystine (0.5%-1%). The incidence of urolithiasis reaches its peak in population aged over 30 years. Males are more likely to suffer from urinary calculi. Because of different dietary habits or genetic background, differences of prevalence among races or nationalities also exist. Genetic mutation of specific locus may contribute to the formation of different kinds of calculi. Dietary habits (westernized dietary habits and less fluid intake), as well as climatic factors (hot temperature and many hours of exposure to sunshine) play a crucial role in the development of stones. Other diseases, especially metabolic syndrome, may also contribute to urinary tract stones.

Key words:  Urolithiasis    Epidemiology    Prevalence    Incidence    Component    Risk factors
收稿日期:  2018-01-14      修回日期:  2018-04-08      接受日期:  2018-07-11      出版日期:  2018-09-06      发布日期:  2018-11-19      整期出版日期:  2018-10-20
. [J]. Asian Journal of Urology, 2018, 5(4): 205-214.
Liu Yu,Chen Yuntian,Liao Banghua,Luo Deyi,Wang Kunjie,Li Hong,Zeng Guohua. Epidemiology of urolithiasis in Asia. Asian Journal of Urology, 2018, 5(4): 205-214.
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Study Country/Region Year (s) Type of stones Prevalence (%) Incidence (/100 000) Recurrence rate (%) Male to female ratio Age of peak prevalence (years) Calcium oxalate (%) Calcium phosphate (%) Uric acid (%) Cystine (%) Struvite (%) Apatite (%)
Zeng and He, 2013 [8] China 2008 Kidney stones 4 1.26 50-70
Wu et al., 2014 [66] China 2003-2012 Urolithiasis 78.3 3.4 3.6 0.2 14.6
Chen et al., 2017 [9] China 2013-2014 Urolithiasis 7.96 1.1
Zeng et al., 2017 [10] China 2013-2014 Kidney stones 6.4 1.3 65-74
Lee et al., 2002 [13] Taiwan, China 1994-1996 UUT 9.6 1.08 51-60
Hsu et al., 2002 [67] Taiwan, China 1956-1999 Urolithiasis 2.3 87.3 71.8 7.5 0.2 8.2 65.6
Huang et al., 2013 [2] Taiwan, China 1997-2010 UUT 7.38 1278-1367 6.12 (1 yr),
34.71 (5 yrs)
1.32-1.95 60-69
Kim et al., 2002 [12] South Korea 1998 Urolithiasis 3.5 900 20 (2 yrs) 3.3-6.3 50-59
Bae et al., 2014 [68] South Korea 2009 UUT 457.02 1.8 60-69
Choi and Yoon, 2017 [54] South Korea 2008-2013 Urolithiasis 12.2-9.2
Tae and Balpukov, 2018 [5] South Korea 2002-2013 Urolithiasis 11.5 440-560 21.3 (5 yrs), 38.1 (10 yrs) 1.3 60-69
Takasaki, 1975 [43] Japan 1953-1970 Urolithiasis 38.6-55.6 20-39 72.9 3.9 0.95 22.1
Yoshida and Okada, 1990 [30] Japan 1945-1987 Urolithiasis 5.4 53.8-92.5 7-2.4 30-59 79.4 5.2 1 7.4
Kohri et al., 1991 [51] Japan 1977-1985 Urolithiasis 3 30-59 63.8 65.3 1.8 17.3
Iguchi et al., 1996 [40] Japan 1992 Urolithiasis 6.95 970 24.20 1-2 50-59
Yoshida et al., 1999 [7] Japan 1965-1995 Urolithiasis 4.3-9.0 43.7-110.9 1.8-2.8 20-69
Yasui et al., 2008 [11] Japan 1965-2005 Urolithiasis 54.2-114.3 2.54-2.76 30-79 83.7-92.1 4.6-5.5 1.6 5.1-23.3
Yasui et al., 2008 [6] Japan 1965-2006 LUT 4.7-9.1 50-69 72.1-69.9 13.4-19.3 1.1-3.1 59.3-66
Study Country/Region Year (s) Type of stones Prevalence (%) Incidence (/100 000) Recurrence rate (%) Male to female ratio Age of peak prevalence Calcium oxalate (%) Calcium phosphate (%) Uric acid (%) Cystine (%) Struvite (%) Apatite (%)
Novikov et al., 2012 [3] Russia 1980-2008 Urolithiasis 2-3 53-609.3 49 (1 yr),
53 (3 yrs),
77 (lifetime)
1.9 33-85 20.9-27 10.5-30 2.70
Pendse and Singh, 1986 [41] India 1986a Urolithiasis 93 94.6 78.2
Ansari et al., 2005 [46] India 1998-2003 UUT 93 0.95 1.42 1.80
Ganesamoni and Singh, 2012 [4] India 2012 Urolithiasis 86-97 1.90 0.95-1.2 1.4-2.7 1-1.8
Kale et al., 2014 [17] India 1994-2008 Urolithiasis 30-930 1.8 21-40 Major
Silva and Maciel, 2016 [48] India 2010-2012 Urolithiasis 31.7 0.9 30-39
Kumari et al., 2016 [69] India 2013 Kidney stones 7.6 26-53 (10 yrs) 95.2 71.4 52.3
Memon et al., 2012 [14] Pakistan 1975-2010 Urolithiasis 16 0.2-200 1.2-13.2 74-96 23-51 2-38 0.2-0.5 2.4-16 6-18
Halstead and Valyasevi, 1967 [35] Thailand 1963 Bladder stones 1.4 4.3 (0.5 yr) 4.6 30-39
Sriboonlue et al., 1992 [55] Thailand 1992a UUT 376 2 40-69
Nimmannit et al., 1996 [15] Thailand 1996a Kidney stones 13
Yanagawa et al., 1997 [16] Thailand 1997a Urolithiasis 16.9 3000 2 20-50 44-49
Tanthanuch et al., 2005 [49] Thailand 2000 Urolithiasis 183.8 1.6 41-50 64 41 26
Sreenevasan et al., 1981 [18] Malaysia 1962-1976 Urolithiasis 33.3 3 30-60
Lim et al., 1988 [34] Malaysia 1980 Urolithiasis 3.4 1.2 40-79
Sreenevasan et al., 1990 [19] Malaysia 1962-1981 Urolithiasis 224.2-442.7 30-59 81 3.50 0.50 5
Nazmi et al., 1997 [33] Malaysia 1985-1995 Kidney stones 9.8 2 50-59
Hussein et al., 2013 [62] Malaysia 1981-1997 Urolithiasis 9.8-37 4.6
Thalut et al., 1976 [31] Indonesia 1976a Bladder stones 8.3 12 Major Major
Study Country/Region Year (s) Type of stones Prevalence (%) Incidence (/100 000) Recurrence rate (%) Male to female ratio Age of peak prevalence Calcium oxalate (%) Calcium phosphate (%) Uric acid (%) Cystine (%) Struvite (%) Apatite (%)
Abdel-Halim et al., 1989 [20] Saudi Arabia 1989a UUT 6.8 38.6-53.2 2
Abomelha et al., 1990 [36] Saudi Arabia 1980-1985 Urolithiasis 5 30-60 76 3.30 20.50
Ahmad et al., 2015 [21] Saudi Arabia 2004-2008 Urolithiasis 19.1 3.5 25-45
Nasir et al., 1999 [52] United Arab Emirates 1999a Urolithiasis 38.50 11.50 11.50
Freeg et al., 2012 [22] United Arab Emirates 2007-2009 Urolithiasis 59.53-94.58 5.2 <40
Salem and Abu Elezz, 1969 [59] Kuwait 1966-1968 Kidney stones 4-5
el-Reshaid et al., 1997 [23] Kuwait 1986-1994 Urolithiasis 23.9 >1 72.10 15.40 2.40
Al-Hunayan et al., 2004 [24] Kuwait 1999-2002 Urolithiasis 43.44 9 90 18 7 1 1
Minon and Pourmand, 1983 [45] Iran 1978-1979 Urolithiasis 81.5 0.9 12.6 0.9 8.7 69
Safarinejad, 2007 [25] Iran 2005 Urolithiasis 5.7 138.4 16 (1 yr),
32 (5 yrs)
1.15 40-69
Shajari and Sanjerehei, 2015 [60] Iran 2005 Urolithiasis 6.1
Shokouhi et al., 2008 [44] Iran 2001-2006 Urolithiasis 2.7 80.2 2.4 16.2 0.6 0.4
Ketabchi and Aziziolahi, 2008 [26] Iran 2005-2006 Urolithiasis 8.1 1.24
Basiri et al., 2010 [27] Iran 2006-2007 Urolithiasis 407 1.38 55-65
Afaj and Sultan, 2005 [32] Iraq 1997 Urolithiasis 4 15-50 46.1 38.4 15.4
Pugliese and Baker, 2009 [38] Iraq 2005 Urolithiasis 1 60-80 (lifetime) 2-4
Frank et al., 1959 [28] Israel 1957-1958 Urolithiasis 1.2 1.6 41-50 75 54 17 8
Frank et al., 1963 [29] Israel 1963a Urolithiasis 2.4-9.2
Akinci et al., 1991 [50] Turkey 1989 Urolithiasis 14.8 2200 1.5
Yapanoglu et al., 2010 [37] Turkey 2005-2008 Urolithiasis 2.48 72.7 7.7 0.6 2 1
Muslumanoglu et al., 2011 [39] Turkey 2008 Urolithiasis 11 1700 16.7 (1 yr), 35.7 (5 yrs) 1 45-54
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