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Asian Journal of Urology, 2017, 4(1): 55-67    
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Robotic surgery in pediatric urology
Adam Howea, Zachary Kozelb, Lane Palmerc
a Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center Ringgold Standard Institution-Pediatric Urology, Center for Advanced Medicine Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, NY, USA;
b Long Island Jewish Medical Center Ringgold Standard Institution-Urology, Center for Advanced Medicine Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, NY, USA;
c Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center Ringgold Standard Institution-Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Urology Associates, New Hyde Park, NY, USA
Robotic surgery in pediatric urology
Adam Howea, Zachary Kozelb, Lane Palmerc
a Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center Ringgold Standard Institution-Pediatric Urology, Center for Advanced Medicine Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, NY, USA;
b Long Island Jewish Medical Center Ringgold Standard Institution-Urology, Center for Advanced Medicine Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, NY, USA;
c Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center Ringgold Standard Institution-Pediatric Urology, Pediatric Urology Associates, New Hyde Park, NY, USA
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摘要 While robotic surgery has shown clear utility and advantages in the adult population, its role in pediatrics remains controversial. Pediatric-sized robotic instruments and equipment are not readily available yet, so certain modifications can be made in order to make robotic surgery successful in children. While the cost of robotic surgery remains high compared to open procedures, patients experience greater satisfaction and quality of life with robotic surgery. Robotic pyeloplasty is a standard of care in older children, and has even been performed in infants and re-do surgery. Other robotic procedures performed in children include heminephroureterectomy, ureteroureterostomy, ureteral reimplantation, urachal cyst excision, bladder diverticulectomy, and bladder reconstructive procedures such as augmentation, appendicovesicostomy, antegrade continence enema, bladder neck reconstruction and sling, as well as other procedures. Robotic surgery has also been used in oncologic cases such as partial nephrectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Future improvements in technology with production of pediatric-sized robotic instruments, along with increases in robotictrained pediatric urologists and surgeon experience along each's learning curve, will help to further advance the field of robotic surgery in pediatric urology.
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Adam Howe
Zachary Kozel
Lane Palmer
关键词:  Robotic  Robotic-assisted  Pediatric  Children  Urology    
Abstract: While robotic surgery has shown clear utility and advantages in the adult population, its role in pediatrics remains controversial. Pediatric-sized robotic instruments and equipment are not readily available yet, so certain modifications can be made in order to make robotic surgery successful in children. While the cost of robotic surgery remains high compared to open procedures, patients experience greater satisfaction and quality of life with robotic surgery. Robotic pyeloplasty is a standard of care in older children, and has even been performed in infants and re-do surgery. Other robotic procedures performed in children include heminephroureterectomy, ureteroureterostomy, ureteral reimplantation, urachal cyst excision, bladder diverticulectomy, and bladder reconstructive procedures such as augmentation, appendicovesicostomy, antegrade continence enema, bladder neck reconstruction and sling, as well as other procedures. Robotic surgery has also been used in oncologic cases such as partial nephrectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Future improvements in technology with production of pediatric-sized robotic instruments, along with increases in robotictrained pediatric urologists and surgeon experience along each's learning curve, will help to further advance the field of robotic surgery in pediatric urology.
Key words:  Robotic    Robotic-assisted    Pediatric    Children    Urology
收稿日期:  2016-06-22      修回日期:  2016-06-22           出版日期:  2017-01-01      发布日期:  2017-02-16      整期出版日期:  2017-01-01
通讯作者:  Adam Howe, E-mail    E-mail:
Adam Howe, Zachary Kozel, Lane Palmer. Robotic surgery in pediatric urology[J]. Asian Journal of Urology, 2017, 4(1): 55-67.
Adam Howe, Zachary Kozel, Lane Palmer. Robotic surgery in pediatric urology. Asian Journal of Urology, 2017, 4(1): 55-67.
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