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Asian Journal of Urology, 2017, 4(1): 3-9    
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Bulbocavernosus muscle area as a novel marker for hypogonadism
Nikhil Gupta, Maria Carvajal, Michael Jurewicz, Bruce R. Gilbert
Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine, Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, NY, USA
Bulbocavernosus muscle area as a novel marker for hypogonadism
Nikhil Gupta, Maria Carvajal, Michael Jurewicz, Bruce R. Gilbert
Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine, Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, NY, USA
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摘要 Objective: Late-onset hypogonadism, or androgen deficiency in the aging male, is a significant cause of morbidity in older men. Many men in the low normal or equivocal range for low testosterone level exhibit signs and symptoms of hypogonadism. Serum testosterone is an imperfect maker for hypogonadism as symptoms vary greatly within the low to low normal range in addition to variations among testosterone assays. Perineal ultrasound can be effectively used to examine the bulbocavernosus muscle (BCM), an androgenized tissue that may be impacted by androgen receptor activity.Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of men who underwent perineal ultrasound for hypogonadism. The ultrasound data were used to calculate the area of the BCM and correlate it with indices of hypogonadismin symptomatic men including free and total testosterone and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).Results: The results demonstrate that there is a significant correlation between total and free testosterone and BCM area in hypogonadal patients. Comparison between BCM area and total testosterone showed R2=0.061 and P=0.0187 and comparison between BCM area and free testosterone showed R2=0.0957 and P=0.0034. In addition, low BCM was also correlated with DEXA results showing osteoporosis and osteopenia (R2=0.2239, P=0.0027)..Conclusion: There has been recent controversy over the safety of testosterone replacement therapy. This might be particularly important in men with hypogonadal symptoms but a low normal testosterone level. Our study investigated the use of perineal ultrasound to measure BCM as a surrogate marker for poor androgenized men presenting with hypogonadism.
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Nikhil Gupta
Maria Carvajal
Michael Jurewicz
Bruce R. Gilbert
关键词:  Testosterone replacement therapy  Hypogonadism  Bulbocavernosus  Bulbospongiosus  Perineal ultrasound  DEXA  DXA    
Abstract: Objective: Late-onset hypogonadism, or androgen deficiency in the aging male, is a significant cause of morbidity in older men. Many men in the low normal or equivocal range for low testosterone level exhibit signs and symptoms of hypogonadism. Serum testosterone is an imperfect maker for hypogonadism as symptoms vary greatly within the low to low normal range in addition to variations among testosterone assays. Perineal ultrasound can be effectively used to examine the bulbocavernosus muscle (BCM), an androgenized tissue that may be impacted by androgen receptor activity.Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of men who underwent perineal ultrasound for hypogonadism. The ultrasound data were used to calculate the area of the BCM and correlate it with indices of hypogonadismin symptomatic men including free and total testosterone and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).Results: The results demonstrate that there is a significant correlation between total and free testosterone and BCM area in hypogonadal patients. Comparison between BCM area and total testosterone showed R2=0.061 and P=0.0187 and comparison between BCM area and free testosterone showed R2=0.0957 and P=0.0034. In addition, low BCM was also correlated with DEXA results showing osteoporosis and osteopenia (R2=0.2239, P=0.0027)..Conclusion: There has been recent controversy over the safety of testosterone replacement therapy. This might be particularly important in men with hypogonadal symptoms but a low normal testosterone level. Our study investigated the use of perineal ultrasound to measure BCM as a surrogate marker for poor androgenized men presenting with hypogonadism.
Key words:  Testosterone replacement therapy    Hypogonadism    Bulbocavernosus    Bulbospongiosus    Perineal ultrasound    DEXA    DXA
收稿日期:  2016-07-29      修回日期:  2016-08-19           出版日期:  2017-01-01      发布日期:  2017-02-16      整期出版日期:  2017-01-01
通讯作者:  Bruce R. Gilbert, E-mail    E-mail:
Nikhil Gupta, Maria Carvajal, Michael Jurewicz, Bruce R. Gilbert. Bulbocavernosus muscle area as a novel marker for hypogonadism[J]. Asian Journal of Urology, 2017, 4(1): 3-9.
Nikhil Gupta, Maria Carvajal, Michael Jurewicz, Bruce R. Gilbert. Bulbocavernosus muscle area as a novel marker for hypogonadism. Asian Journal of Urology, 2017, 4(1): 3-9.
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