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Asian Journal of Urology, 2016, 3(4): 195-202    
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Immune phenotypes of prostate cancer cells: Evidence of epithelial immune cell-like transition?
Dong Lina,b, Xinya Wanga, Stephen Yiu Chuen Choib, Xinpei Cia, Xin Dongb, Yuzhuo Wanga,b
a Vancouver Prostate Centre & Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada;
b Department of Experimental Therapeutics, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Immune phenotypes of prostate cancer cells: Evidence of epithelial immune cell-like transition?
Dong Lina,b, Xinya Wanga, Stephen Yiu Chuen Choib, Xinpei Cia, Xin Dongb, Yuzhuo Wanga,b
a Vancouver Prostate Centre & Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada;
b Department of Experimental Therapeutics, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC, Canada
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摘要 Prostate cancers (PCa) have been reported to actively suppress antitumor immune responses by creating an immune-suppressive microenvironment. There is mounting evidence that PCas may undergo an "Epithelial Immune Cell-like Transition" (EIT) by expressing molecules conventionally associated with immune cells (e.g., a variety of cytokines/receptors, immune transcription factors, Ig motifs, and immune checkpoint molecules), which subsequently results in the suppression of anti-cancer immune activity within the tumor microenvironment. Recent progress within the field of immune therapy has underscored the importance of immune checkpoint molecules in cancer development, thus leading to the development of novel immunotherapeutic approaches. Here, we review the expression of select immune checkpoint molecules in PCa epithelial and associated immune cells, with particular emphasis on clinical data supporting the concept of an EIT-mediated phenotype in PCa. Furthermore, we summarize current advances in anti-immune checkpoint therapies, and provide perspectives on their potential applicability.
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Dong Lin
Xinya Wang
Stephen Yiu Chuen Choi
Xinpei Ci
Xin Dong
Yuzhuo Wang
关键词:  Prostate cancer  Immune checkpoint  Epithelial immune cell-like transition  Immune suppression  Immune therapy    
Abstract: Prostate cancers (PCa) have been reported to actively suppress antitumor immune responses by creating an immune-suppressive microenvironment. There is mounting evidence that PCas may undergo an "Epithelial Immune Cell-like Transition" (EIT) by expressing molecules conventionally associated with immune cells (e.g., a variety of cytokines/receptors, immune transcription factors, Ig motifs, and immune checkpoint molecules), which subsequently results in the suppression of anti-cancer immune activity within the tumor microenvironment. Recent progress within the field of immune therapy has underscored the importance of immune checkpoint molecules in cancer development, thus leading to the development of novel immunotherapeutic approaches. Here, we review the expression of select immune checkpoint molecules in PCa epithelial and associated immune cells, with particular emphasis on clinical data supporting the concept of an EIT-mediated phenotype in PCa. Furthermore, we summarize current advances in anti-immune checkpoint therapies, and provide perspectives on their potential applicability.
Key words:  Prostate cancer    Immune checkpoint    Epithelial immune cell-like transition    Immune suppression    Immune therapy
收稿日期:  2016-06-25      修回日期:  2016-08-09           出版日期:  2016-10-01      发布日期:  2016-11-02      整期出版日期:  2016-10-01
通讯作者:  Yuzhuo Wang,E-mail address:    E-mail:
Dong Lin, Xinya Wang, Stephen Yiu Chuen Choi, Xinpei Ci, Xin Dong, Yuzhuo Wang. Immune phenotypes of prostate cancer cells: Evidence of epithelial immune cell-like transition?[J]. Asian Journal of Urology, 2016, 3(4): 195-202.
Dong Lin, Xinya Wang, Stephen Yiu Chuen Choi, Xinpei Ci, Xin Dong, Yuzhuo Wang. Immune phenotypes of prostate cancer cells: Evidence of epithelial immune cell-like transition?. Asian Journal of Urology, 2016, 3(4): 195-202.
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