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Asian Journal of Urology, 2016, 3(4): 278-285    
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Developing immunotherapy strategies in the treatment of prostate cancer
James L. Gulley, Ravi A. Madan
Genitourinary Malignancies Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Developing immunotherapy strategies in the treatment of prostate cancer
James L. Gulley, Ravi A. Madan
Genitourinary Malignancies Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
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摘要 The clinical development of immunotherapy has gained significant impetus in recent years across the field of medical oncology. Mounting preclinical and clinical data have demonstrated the potential of immune-based treatments to augment anti-tumor immune responses. With one of the first modern immunotherapies approved in prostate cancer and multiple others in late stage development, immune treatment strategies need to be optimized to ensure the best clinical outcomes. Combination strategies with androgen deprivation therapy, anti-androgen therapy, radiation and chemotherapy have demonstrated the potential maximize immune response in prostate cancer patients. These combinations are currently being evaluated in clinical trials at every stage of prostate cancer from the newly diagnosed to the most advanced stages. Data from these studies will provide guidance for the future clinical implementation of immunotherapy in prostate cancer.
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James L. Gulley
Ravi A. Madan
关键词:  Prostate cancer  Immunotherapy  Combination therapies    
Abstract: The clinical development of immunotherapy has gained significant impetus in recent years across the field of medical oncology. Mounting preclinical and clinical data have demonstrated the potential of immune-based treatments to augment anti-tumor immune responses. With one of the first modern immunotherapies approved in prostate cancer and multiple others in late stage development, immune treatment strategies need to be optimized to ensure the best clinical outcomes. Combination strategies with androgen deprivation therapy, anti-androgen therapy, radiation and chemotherapy have demonstrated the potential maximize immune response in prostate cancer patients. These combinations are currently being evaluated in clinical trials at every stage of prostate cancer from the newly diagnosed to the most advanced stages. Data from these studies will provide guidance for the future clinical implementation of immunotherapy in prostate cancer.
Key words:  Prostate cancer    Immunotherapy    Combination therapies
收稿日期:  2016-07-11      修回日期:  2016-08-03           出版日期:  2016-10-01      发布日期:  2016-11-02      整期出版日期:  2016-10-01
通讯作者:  Ravi A. Madan,E-mail address:    E-mail:
James L. Gulley, Ravi A. Madan. Developing immunotherapy strategies in the treatment of prostate cancer[J]. Asian Journal of Urology, 2016, 3(4): 278-285.
James L. Gulley, Ravi A. Madan. Developing immunotherapy strategies in the treatment of prostate cancer. Asian Journal of Urology, 2016, 3(4): 278-285.
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